Title IX States

Title IX (Title Nine) states no person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under, any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.

Policy Statement

CCSNH and its colleges are committed to creating and maintaining a positive and productive learning environment. In furtherance of this objective, CCSNH prohibits discrimination in the administration of its education programs and activities based on sex including conduct that constitutes sexual harassment or other forms of sexual misconduct, as described below. CCSNH also prohibits retaliation against anyone who is involved in making or reporting of a complaint, or in the investigation or hearing of a formal complaint of sexual misconduct/sexual harassment.

Detailed MCC Policy Information

Information about the formal complaint, notice, investigation, hearing, sanctions, and appeal process for any reports made to MCC can be found in these official policy documents:

Policy as of 1/23/25
Policy as of 8/1/24

Scope of Policy and Jurisdiction

CCSNH and its colleges prohibit sexual misconduct/sexual harassment against any person participating in or attempting to participate in education programs and activities of CCSNH/colleges. The scope and definitions of sexual misconduct and sexual harassment under federal and state laws differ, as described below. Sexual misconduct by employees is addressed under CCS Policies 323.01 and 323.02.

Inquiries Regarding Title IX May be Directed to:

Kristen Butterfield-Ferrell
Title IX Coordinator
Manchester Community College
1066 Front Street
Manchester, NH 03102
[email protected]
(603) 206-8177

Jeannie DiBella
Title IX Deputy Coordinator
Manchester Community College
1066 Front Street
Manchester, NH 03102
[email protected]
(603) 206-8006

Melissa Olson
Title II Coordinator
Manchester Community College
1066 Front Street
Manchester, NH 03102
[email protected]
(603) 206-8142

Sara A. Sawyer
Director of Human Resources
Community College System of New Hampshire
26 College Drive
Concord, NH 03301
(603) 230-3512

Inquiries May Also be Directed to:

US Department of Education
Office of Civil Rights
J.W. McCormack Post Office & Courthouse
Room 707, 01-0061
Boston, MA 02109-4557
(617) 223-9662
Fax: (617) 223-9669
TTD: (617) 223-9695
[email protected]

NH Commission for Human Rights
2 Chennell Drive
Concord, NH 03301
(603) 271-2767
Fax: (603) 271-6339

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
John F. Kennedy Federal Building
475 Government Center
Boston, MA 02203
(617) 565-3200
Fax: (617) 565-3196
TTY: (617) 565-3204
For automatic connection to the nearest EEOC field office:
Phone: 1-800-669-4000
TTY: 1-800-669-6820Bb


Definitions for Formal Grievance Procedures

Sexual Harassment: Includes any of the three types of misconduct on the basis of sex, all of which jeopardize the equal access to education that Title IX is designed to protect:

  • Any instance of quid pro quo harassment by an employee of CCSNH
  • Any unwelcome conduct that a reasonable person would find so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it denies a person equal educational access
  • Any instance of sexual violence, which includes sexual assault (as defined in the Clery Act), domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking as defined in the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)

Filing a Report

Reporting an Incident

Regardless of the nature of your report, the information you provide in a Title IX Incident Report will be kept confidential to the extent permitted by law.

You can file a Title IX incident report with the Title IX Coordinator by going to our Report an Incident Form. The Title IX Coordinator will follow-up with you after the form has been received. (See “MCC’s Response to a Report” for more details.) This form can also be filed anonymously which allows an incident to be documented, however, this approach may limit the college’s ability to investigate and address the report.

Regardless of the nature of your report, MCC will ensure that the information provided is forwarded to the office with responsibility for investigating and addressing complaints, reports, or concerns as appropriate, based on the information you have provided.

To learn about other reporting options or to speak with MCC Staff or Campus Security about a Title IX incident prior to filing a formal report, please go to “Reporting Sexual Harassment – Specific Provisions.”

Who Reports a Title IX Incident?

Anyone who has experienced sexual assault or harassment has a right to report to the Title IX Coordinator.

All CCSNH/MCC employees with supervisory or management responsibilities, and individuals designated as campus security authorities under the Clery Act who receive information about possible sexual misconduct/harassment of students, are required to make a report.

In addition to employees, all persons are encouraged to report incidents of sexual misconduct and/or sexual harassment involving students. Reports may be made without regard to whether the person reporting is the person alleged to be the victim of alleged sexual misconduct/sexual harassment.

Report In-Person or by Contacting One of These Resources:

1. Report to MCC’s Title IX Coordinator
A report of sexual violence may be filed with the Title IX Coordinator. When the report is received, the reporting party will be given written information about college processes, supportive measures and support services and will also be informed of the right to file a formal complaint with the Title IX coordinator and/or a criminal complaint with the police.

MCC’s Title IX Coordinator:

Kristen Butterfield-Ferrell
Title IX Coordinator
Manchester Community College
1066 Front Street
Manchester, NH 03102
[email protected]
(603) 206-8177

2. Report Anonymously
As mentioned previously, anonymous online reporting is available at MCC but this method may limit the college’s ability to investigate and address the report. To file an anonymous report online, go to the: Report an Incident Form and leave the identifying fields blank.

3. Report to MCC’s Campus Safety Office
Reports may also be made with Campus Safety through the mccnh.edu Report Form or the active student Nighthawk Lookout Report Form. This report will be forwarded to the Title IX Coordinator, but is not reported to local law enforcement without consent of the complainant.

MCC’s Campus Safety Office:

Campus Safety
Manchester Community College
1066 Front Street
Manchester, NH 03102
[email protected]
(603) 703-8487

4. Report an Incident to Local or State Law Enforcement
You may also choose to file an incident report with local or state police. Please see the next section for more information about filing criminal complaints.

5. Filing a Criminal Complaint
Sexual misconduct that may be criminal in nature can be reported to local law enforcement. If an individual reports sexual misconduct at MCC, MCC personnel will inform the individual about the option to pursue criminal action for incidents of sexual misconduct that may also be crimes under New Hampshire law.

If requested, MCC will assist the individual in making a criminal report and cooperate with law enforcement agencies to the extent permitted by law.

Reports to police that occur on or near the college campus may be made to:

Manchester Police Department
405 Valley Street
Manchester, NH 03103
(603) 668-8711

After a report of sexual misconduct or sexual harassment is made the Title IX Coordinator will meet with the complainant (alleged victim), if they are identified in the report, to discuss and implement any needed supportive measures. Such measures will remain confidential to the extent possible in the particular circumstances.

Supportive measures are individualized services offered to a complainant following a report of sexual misconduct/sexual harassment. Supportive measures may also be provided as appropriate to respondents after a formal complaint is filed. Supportive measures are designed to facilitate a party’s ability to access education programs and activities, without overly burdening the other party (prior to a finding of responsibility). Examples of supportive measures include, but are not limited to, no contact orders, referrals for services, changes in schedules, etc.

The Title IX Coordinator will explain the process(es) that apply to the allegations raised, including the process for filing a formal Title IX Complaint if the conduct may constitute sexual harassment under Title IX.

Support and Services Resources

Our Student Support Counselor is here to offer support for any personal circumstances and to connect you to resources that will help ensure your academic success at MCC.

Kristen Butterfield-Ferrell
Student Support Counselor
MAIN Building Room 303
[email protected]
(603) 206-8177

Survivors of domestic violence, sexual violence, stalking and/or trafficking can receive confidential support through a crisis center.

REACH Crisis Services
24/7 hotline (603) 668-2299

Walk in services, text and web chat support offered during business hours, find more at: https://www.reachnh.org/

Confidential support services are available to anyone regardless of race, gender, gender orientation, gender identity, gender expression, medical condition, HIV status, marital status, age, national origin, immigration status, religion, physical, mental or emotional ability, sexual orientation, political affiliation or language.

Emergency medical services may be access directly at:

Catholic Medical Center
100 McGregor Street
Manchester, NH 03103

The Elliot Hospital
1 Elliot Way
Manchester, NH 03103

Transportation to available medical services may be accessed via the Manchester Transit Authority (MTA) City Bus Service. Free bus passes are available to registered students at the front desk. Uber and Lyft ride share services are also available in within Manchester and the surrounding areas.

Training for Title IX Coordinators, Investigators, and Decision-Makers Involved in the Grievance Process

Manchester Community College is committed to providing current and up to date training for all members of its community that are involved in the implementation of our reporting and grievance process.

Title IX Coordinator Training

MCC’s Title IX Coordinator participated in training on CCSNH’S policy and Title IX process in February 2023. The training was conducted by Grand River Solutions.

Title IX Coordinator Training

Investigator Training

Key members of Manchester Community College participated in extensive training through Grand River Solutions on Title IX Regulations and the investigation process pursuant to Title IX in February 2023. These members include the Vice President for Student Affairs, Title IX Coordinator, Student Conduct Coordinator and Campus Safety Officers. These members undergo recertification training yearly through D. Stafford & Associates.

Due to proprietary ownership of the training by Grand River Solutions, a copy of the training is currently not available. Questions regarding the training may be directed to the Title IX Coordinator.

Hearing Board Training

MCC has trained members of the community to serve on Title IX Conduct Hearing Boards. The training is provided annually and includes, but not be limited to:

  • Information on working with and interviewing persons subjected to sexual misconduct.
  • Information on conduct that constitutes sexual harassment including sexual violence.
  • Information on consent and the role drugs and alcohol may play in an individual’s ability to consent.
  • The effects of trauma, including any neurobiological impact on a person.
  • Cultural competence training regarding how sexual misconduct may impact individuals differently depending on factors that contribute to an individual’s cultural background, including but not limited to national origin, sex, ethnicity, religion, gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation.
  • Ways to communicate sensitively and compassionately with a reporting party of sexual misconduct including but not limited to an awareness of responding to a reporting party with consideration of that party’s cultural background and providing services to or assisting in locating services for the reporting party. Ways to communicate sensitively with a responding party including an awareness of the emotional impact of being wrongly accused.
  • Training and information regarding how dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking may impact students with developmental or intellectual disabilities.

Additional training were provided to the Title IX Conduct Hearing Board by Drummond Woodsum Attorneys at Law during Fall 2021.

Awareness, Prevention, and Response Programming for All Students and Employees

Manchester Community College faculty and staff are provided with annual training on Title IX, as well as College policy and process. Training is mandatory and participation is recorded. The training includes, but not limited to:

  • An explanation of consent as it applies to sexual activity and sexual relationships.
  • The role drugs and alcohol play in an individual’s ability to consent.
  • Information on options relating to the reporting of an incident of sexual harassment generally and sexual violence specifically under this policy and the effects of each option, and the methods to report an incident of sexual violence including confidential and anonymous disclosure.
  • Information on the college’s procedures for resolving sexual harassment including sexual violence complaints, and the range of sanctions the college may impose on students and employees found responsible for a violation.
  • The name, contact information, and role of the confidential resource.
  • Responsibility of faculty and staff in receiving reports.

Manchester Community College also provides students with prevention and awareness programming at New Student Orientation and through general education outreach. The training includes, but not limited to:

  • An explanation of consent as it applies to sexual activity and sexual relationships.
  • The role drugs and alcohol play in an individual’s ability to consent.
  • Information on options relating to the reporting of an incident of sexual harassment generally and sexual violence specifically under this policy and the effects of each option, and the methods to report an incident of sexual violence including confidential and anonymous disclosure.
  • Information on the college’s procedures for resolving sexual harassment including sexual violence complaints, and the range of sanctions the college may impose on students and employees found responsible for a violation.
  • The name, contact information, and role of the confidential resource.
  • Strategies for bystander intervention and risk reduction.


Manchester Community College encourages members of our community to download uSafeUS®, a free and confidential app that helps protect yourself and your community – both on and off-campus. Whenever something feels “off” about a situation you’re in, uSafeUS® is always there to help:

  • Fake a call or text to make a smooth exit from an uncomfortable situation
  • Notify friends when you’re walking alone on campus
  • Quick links to support and answers to your questions about sexual assault, relationship violence, & stalking.

Download the app at App Store or Google Play. Select Manchester Community College as your campus, and become familiar with the uSafeUS® tools and resources available 24/7 wherever you may go.

RSA 188H: Sexual Misconduct Climate Survey

A sexual misconduct climate survey with a series of standard base questions was distributed to all undergraduate and graduate students in the state of New Hampshire as a required component of a new state law aimed at addressing campus sexual misconduct. This survey was administer at MCC in February and March of 2022, and the results can be found here.

When reviewing the summary findings, please note that the definition of sexual misconduct as it relates to this survey is quite broad, so it is important to read the survey questions and responses in their entirety and note the total number of people who answered a specific question to best understand the results. The results will be an important component in our campus’s ongoing work to prevent and respond to all forms of sexual misconduct and interpersonal violence.

Statewide data on the sexual misconduct survey can be found here.