
The Workforce Development Center responds quickly to the changing needs of business and industry and provides lifelong learning and professional development opportunities.  The Center’s short-term, intensive programs will give you marketable skills for today’s jobs.  We provide training for specialized licenses and certificates for a range of occupations. This training is separate from MCC’s academic degree and certificate programs and specific to industry demands.

Life-long Learning for Individuals

Are you an individual who wants to improve your skills or learn something new?  Is it time for a new career or to upgrade your skills in your current job?  

The Workforce Development Center at MCC can provide you with opportunities for lifelong learning and professional development. To see our list of currently running courses, visit the WDC Course Schedule.  Or explore training options in numerous fields, including:

If you’d like to talk or email with someone for more information on these or other upcoming programs at Manchester Community College, call us at (603) 206-8160 or email [email protected].

More information about non-credit training and certificate programs at all seven CCSNH colleges is available at https://ccsnhtraining.org/about.

Partnering with Businesses

Are you an employer looking to up-skill your current team? Are you searching for the right educational partner to train and help attract new employees? The Workforce Development Center at MCC is here for you! We respond quickly to the changing needs of business and industry and provides professional development opportunities for those who need to sharpen their existing skills or learn new ones, maintain professional licenses or certifications, and for people looking for advancement or a new career challenge.

Custom Corporate Training

In addition to our individual course offerings, the Workforce Development Center regularly collaborates with organizations to assess specific corporate training needs, develop  targeted educational solutions and provide training at your place of business or at MCC. 

Go to Corporate Training for more information.

Partnering with Community Organizations

Southern New Hampshire Services

Southern New Hampshire Services has been contracted by the Department of Business & Economic Affairs and the Department of Employment Security to serve as the statewide operator of the WIOA Adult Worker program.  The Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) provides eligible adults with professional career counseling and access to a wide range of employment and training related services. This can include up to $6,500 of tuition assistance and $1,500 of support services that can help eliminate various barriers to employment.

See WIOA Services for more information about WIOA training funds.

DHHS SNAP Employment & Training Program

SNAP Employment & Training (E&T) is an employment-focused program designed to strengthen the economic well-being of every participant by providing high-quality job training, education, and support. Program services include education and training partnerships, career guidance, employment success and support services. If you are 18 years of age or older, receiving SNAP in New Hampshire and not receiving money from the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, you may be eligible to participate in SNAP E&T. Speak with a career counselor by phone or email to determine eligibility and enroll.

Go to SNAP E & T Program for more information.

New Hampshire Charitable Foundation

The New Hampshire Charitable Foundation is the largest provider of publicly available scholarships in New Hampshire, awarding more than $8 million to nearly 1,800 students each year.  The scholarship funds at the Foundation were created by generous donors who wanted to help New Hampshire students reach their full potential. Scholarships are awarded to students for certificates, licensing programs, apprenticeships, two- and four-year degree programs and graduate school.

Visit the Apply for a Scholarship page on the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation website for more information.

Request WDC Information

If you would like to request information about the Workforce Development Center and our courses and trainings, please fill out the form below.

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