Contact Campus Safety

The Office of Campus Safety provides safety and security services for the Manchester Community College campus and grounds. 

If you are experiencing an emergency, please call 911. Promptly report any other security or safety concerns to:

Monday – Friday: 7am – 11pm
Saturday: 7am – 4pm
Sunday: Closed
(603) 703-8487
Fax: (603) 668-5354
Room 277

Other Campus Safety Information

Additional in-depth campus safety and security information can be found on the Nighthawk Lookout, our online resource for active students. In the “Safety” dropdown on that site you will find a list of topics to explore.

Use one of these links to go to each page directly:

MCC Security Report

A link to a PDF of the Manchester Community College Annual Safety and Security Report* can be found here:

*For more about this report’s data, go to “MCC Annual Security Report” on the MCC Nighthawk Lookout Policies, Protocols & Reports page.