
Name Department Job Title Email Phone

Paul Koppenhaver

Behavioral & Social Sciences; Social Science Adjunct Faculty; Social Science [email protected]

Kenneth Kravetz

Mathematics; Mathematics & Physics Adjunct Faculty; Mathematics; Physics [email protected]

Erin Krell

English; English, Humanities & Languages Adjunct Faculty; English [email protected]

Janet Krywy

Biological & Environmental Sciences; Biology; Life Science Adjunct Faculty; Life Science; Biology [email protected]

Cindy Kuehl

Allied Health; Allied Health & Nursing Staff; Program Assistant III; Executive Secretary for Allied Health & Nursing [email protected] 603-206-8022

Kimberly Kulesza

Behavioral & Social Sciences; Social Science Adjunct Faculty; Social Science; Staff; Social Science Program Coordinator and Academic Advisor [email protected] 603-206-8055

Sergey Kuzmin

Mathematics; Mathematics & Physics Adjunct Faculty; Mathematics [email protected]

Chad LaFleur

Maintenance Staff; Facilities Services Supervisor [email protected] 603-703-8489

Shauna Lafond

Allied Health; Health Fitness Professional Adjunct Faculty; Health Fitness Professional [email protected]

Andrew Lameiras

Biological & Environmental Sciences; Biology; Lab Assistants Staff; Biological Science Laboratory Assistant [email protected]

Peter La Monica

CS Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) for Cybersecurity; CS eXtended Reality (XR); Computer Science; Computer Science & Innovation Associate Professor; Computer Science, CS eXtended Reality (XR) & CS Artificial Intelligence (AI); Computer Science Department Chair and Academic Advisor [email protected] 603-206-8034

Pamela Lamontagne

Mathematics; Mathematics & Physics; Physics Professor; Mathematics & Physics Department Chair and Academic Advisor [email protected] 603-206-8075

Judee Landry

Nursing Professor; Nursing [email protected] 603-206-8071

Ian Langley

Computer Science Adjunct Faculty; Computer Science [email protected]

Peter H. Laraba

Biological & Environmental Sciences; Life Science Adjunct Faculty [email protected]

Dan Larochelle

Advanced Manufacturing Technology; Mechanical Engineering; Mechatronics; Robotics Professor; Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Mechatronics, Robotics & CAD Department Chair and Academic Advisor [email protected] 603-206-8079

Allen Larson

Biological & Environmental Sciences; Biology; Life Science Adjunct Faculty; LIfe Science; Biology [email protected]

Holly LaVine

Education; Teacher Education Adjunct Faculty; Teacher Education [email protected]

Dolores LeBlanc

Reception Staff; Program Assistant III; Receptionist [email protected] 603-206-8000

Carole Lessard

Biological & Environmental Sciences; Chemistry; Life Science Adjunct Faculty; Life Science; Chemistry [email protected]

Kassandra Levesque

Nursing Adjunct Faculty; Nursing [email protected]

Matthew Levin

Behavioral & Social Sciences; Social Science Adjunct Faculty; Social Science [email protected]

Kristen Lindsay

Learning Commons & Library Staff; Librarian I [email protected] 603-206-8154

Charles “Chuck” Lloyd

Administration; President's Office MCC Interim President; CCSNH Vice Chancellor [email protected] 603-206-8148

Timothy Lopez

Behavioral & Social Sciences; Social Science Adjunct Faculty; Social Science [email protected]

Bob Lott

Automotive Technologies Professor; Automotive Program Coordinator (Global); Subaru, Certificate & Independent Shops Academic Advisor [email protected] 603-206-8025

Robert Luz

Mathematics; Mathematics & Physics; Physics Adjunct Faculty; Mathematics; Physics [email protected]

Rita MacAuslan

English; English, Humanities & Languages Adjunct Faculty; English [email protected]

Karen Macedo

Art & Design; Graphic Design Professor; Graphic Design Academic Advisor (K-Z) [email protected] 603-206-8048

Brandan Madigan

Automotive Technologies Adjunct Faculty; Automotive Technology [email protected]

Michael Magoon

Accounting; Business; Business Communications; HR Management; Management; Marketing Professor; Business Studies Department Chair and Advisor; Accounting, Business Communications, HR Management, Marketing & Small Business Management Program Academic Advisor [email protected] 603-206-8030

Erick Maldonado

Art & Design; Fine Arts Adjunct Faculty; Fine Arts [email protected]

Kendra Maltais

Behavioral & Social Sciences; Social Science Adjunct Faculty; Social Science [email protected]

Susan Mansor

Behavioral & Social Sciences; Social Science Adjunct Faculty; Social Science [email protected]

Christian Marcelo

Business; Business Studies; Management Professor; Business Studies and Business Management Program Coordinator and Academic Advisor [email protected] 603-206-8029

Susan Marcoux

Workforce Development Center Staff; Program Assistant III [email protected]

Kelly Marr

Business Office Staff; Business Affairs Officer [email protected] 603-206-8004

Carrie Marshall-Gross

Early Childhood Education; Education; Teacher Education Professor; Education Department Chair; Early Childhood Education and Teacher Education (A-M) Academic Advisor [email protected] 603-206-8045

Sondra Martineau

Business; Marketing Adjunct Faculty; Marketing [email protected]

Germano Martins

Accounting; Business Adjunct Faculty; Accounting [email protected]