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Introduction to Business Studies
The Business Studies degree program is designed to facilitate your transfer to a 4-year college for continued study in business administration. This program provides the opportunity to explore career options, and earn credits, when you are not yet sure which aspect of business you wish to pursue. In the first year you will take a wide variety of business courses in disciplines like accounting, communications, management and marketing. The second year allows you to narrow your interest and explore courses within a particular discipline.
The liberal arts requirements of the Business Studies degree are general and fairly universal to allow you to take courses that align with the 4-year institution of your choice in preparation for a transfer to complete your 4-year degree. You may also choose to transition within the MCC Department of Business Studies to complete an Associate Degree in Accounting, Business Communications, Management or Marketing.
Degree & Certificate Options
The Business Studies* program offers the following Associate of Science (A.S.) degree:
- Business Studies (A.S.)
The Business Studies A.S. degree is accredited by the ACBSP. For full accreditation details, please refer to the Curriculum tab above.
Program Goals
The goal of the Business Studies degree program is to provide you with the opportunity to explore business careers while earning liberal arts credits to facilitate a transfer to a 4-year institution for continued study in an area of business specialization.
MCC’s Associate Degrees in Accounting, Business Communications, Business Studies, Management, and Marketing are accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP). ACBSP is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). Our national accreditation allows our graduates to transfer to 4-year colleges and universities in all regions of the country.
Admissions Requirements
Applicants for admission to the Business Studies degree program must comply with general college admission requirements and must also provide a High School Transcript or participate in an interview with an MCC Admissions Counselor.
There are no other specific program admissions requirements.
Incoming Transfer Policy
Students may transfer credits earned at other accredited institutions provided a grade of “C” or better has been earned in courses with equivalent content. Appropriate transfer credits may be accepted within a 10-year time frame.
Students must take a minimum of eight (8) credits in 200 level Business courses (ACCT, BUS, MKTG) at MCC to meet residency requirements.
Curriculum – Required Courses
*Business Elective: Choose any 200 level ACCT, BUS or MKTG course offered at MCC.
Course Sequencing
Degree Program – First Year
Total Credits: 4
Degree Program – Second Year
Business Elective
Total Credits: 3
Business Elective
Total Credits: 3
Business Elective
Total Credits: 3
Foreign Language/Humanities/Fine Arts Elective
Total Credits: 3
Foreign Language/Humanities Elective/Fine Arts Elective:
- Fine Arts Elective: any course with the academic subject code of ARTS and GDES114M, GDES115M GDES155M.
- Foreign Language Elective: ASL110M, ASL120M, FREN110M, SPAN110M, SPAN120M
- Humanities Elective: includes any course with the academic subject code of HUMA or PHIL as well as the following: HIST120M, HIST130M, ENGL113M, ENGL200M, ENGL200AM, ENGL201M, ENGL203M, ENGL204M, ENGL207M, ENGL208M, ENGL209M, ENGL210M, ENGL213M, ENGL214M, ENGL218M, ENGL220M, ENGL224M, ENGL227M, ENGL228M, ENGL229M, ENGL235M, ENGL248M, ENGL258M, ENGL288M
Lab Science Elective
Total Credits: 4
Acquired Skills
After graduating from the Business Studies degree program you will be able to:
- Demonstrate knowledge of a wide variety of disciplines.
- Narrow interests in the field of business.
- Articulate business principles and ethics.
- Transfer to another business degree and/or four year institution.
Employment Opportunities
According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), job prospects for business graduates are strong. Students with a business background can find entry-level jobs in the service, government and non-profit sectors.
Work for students with degree training in Business Studieswould typically include positions like these:
- Human Resources Officer
- Marketing Specialist
- Retail Manager
- Risk Manager
- Sales Executive
- Systems Analyst
Potential Salary*
There is a wide range of jobs in the business industry. See below for the average annual salary in central NH for a Marketing Specialist.
$40,035 | $61,150 | $128,301 |
*Career Coach 2024; Go to mccnh.lightcastcc.com for more.
Outgoing Transfer Opportunities
Students in the Business Communications Program can successfully transfer to other accredited 4-year colleges, including:
- Franklin Pierce University
- Franklin University (online)
- Keene State College
- New England College
- Plymouth State University
- Rivier University
- Southern NH University
- UNH Manchester
- …and many more!